Ginger’s Bride

Ginger reached out his hard baked hands and caressed Cookie’s soft, doughy face.

“They’ll never separate us. Let’s grow stale together.”

“It’s not right Ginger,” she replied, her icing creased into a frown. “Don’t do this.”

The watching tin soldiers jeered at this, but Ginger silenced them with a glare.

“It’s for your own good, my love. Bake ‘em away toys.”

The soldiers slammed the oven door, muffling her screams. Cookie needed hardening up.

Image from this blog post.

The writing prompt this month is for “Tenderness” in a steam/cyberpunk setting. I would like to claim the invention of “bakepunk” as a new and exciting genre. Unfortunately I don’t think it would fit under the original prompt, so it’s going straight up on here for your reading pleasure.

I did consider making them toast soldiers, to fit the cooking theme… but then I wouldn’t have been able to use the line “Bake ’em away toys.”

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